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Churchill said to the Germans in January, 1945, "We Allies are no monsters. This, at least, I can say, on behalf of the United Nations...
“We too are an army of rapists,” anonymous soldier, letter to the editor, Time Magazine, November 12, 1945. In Hollywood movies we ...
For decades after the Second World War ended German soldiers from the Heer, Luftwaffe, and the Kriegsmarine have maintained that during the...
"Soldiers are rapists" KURT TUCHOLSKY We have discussed extensively on the rape committed by Russian, American and...
A North Vietnamese militia fighter girl smiles triumphantly as she passes by a downed American B 52 bomber. Last days: South Vietnam...
What the Nazis did was downright evil, but what the Allies did as the Second World War ended to Germans and Germany was no less evil. Why ...
Rape is a part of war. It should not be. But reality is, nobody fight wars following the Queensberry rules. The Geneva Conventions to be mo...
"War is not black and white. There are no good guys and bad guys" The second country after Poland where the "Germans que...
We generally associate rape during WW2 with the mass rape of German women by the Red Army soldiers. It was said that the American soldiers ...
Here are images from the Battle of Stalingrad in the early stages when the Germans were sure of eventual victory and the Russians were fig...