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-Some Lesser Known WW2 Facts

SOME LESSER KNOWN WW2 FACTS..........After the capitulation of the German Reich Germans of the Czech Sudetenland met the wrath of the Czechs...........The Germans were forced to leave their homes and leave their property............ To identify their nationality they were required to wear clothing to wear "N" ("Nemec" = "German") on their clothes..........Not infrequently, the displaced were brutally killed. The worst massacres occurred in Usti nad Labem, where 2700 German were killed within a few hours............After Hitler's war had been lost, millions of ethnic Germans in regions that are today part of Eastern Europe were expelled -- often under horrendous circumstances............. It has been proven that at least 473,000 people died as they fled or were expelled...........14 million Germans were expelled from their homes in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other Eastern European countries after the war. Only 12 million were able to get to Germany alive. The tragedy of the expulsion of the German civilian population is hardly widely known except amongst Germans and historians...........The Cossacks have always been fiercely independent. In 1941 when the Germans invaded Russia the Cossacks found a way to fight the Stalinist regime. They fought in the Wehrmacht against the Red Army.As the war was ending, the Cossacks found themselves cornered in Austria. All the captured Cossacks were handed over to the Red Army by the British. Women and children included. Knowing full well the sad fate that awaited the Cossacks.A Cossack noted: “The NKVD or the Gestapo would have slain us with truncheons, the British did it with their word of honor.”..........Men from the Waffen SS were especially picked out for"special treatment" by both the Red Army as well as the American soldiers. The Russians simply tortured and killed any SS soldier they captured. The Americans did the same to a lesser extent. And even after the war ended they were tortured and forced to make confessions..............